For optimum image quality, please follow the specifications below. Please note that you may upload images of any dimension & size (below 2 MB), and then resize or center them in the Builder. However, you may have a blurry or distorted photo if the dimensions are too far off from the specifications detailed below.
Quick Reference
Guide Icon: 232px wide × 192px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Guide Cover Image: 1440px wide × 720px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Custom Menu Icon: 180px wide × 180px tall, .PNG
- Custom List Item: Thumbnail: 240px wide × 240px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Custom List Item: Header: 640px wide × 240px tall,.JPG or .PNG
- Schedule Session: Header: 640px wide × 240px tall,.JPG or .PNG
- Map Images: At least 1000px in both dimensions; maximum 2000px in both dimensions; .JPG or .PNG
- Small Banner Ads: 600px wide, 110px tall × .JPG or .PNG
- Large Banner Ads: 640px wide, 640px tall × .JPG or .PNG
- Interact Sponsor Card: Sponsor Avatar: 180px wide × 180px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Interact Sponsor Card: Card Image: 650px wide × 450px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Link Icons: 114px wide × 114px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- EMW About Us Image: 400px wide by 400px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- EMW Desktop Banner: 900px wide by 450px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- EMW Mobile Banner: 400px wide by 400px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- EMW Content Snippet Image: 400px wide by 400px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Space Home Logo: 1024px wide by 1024px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- App Icon: 1024px wide by 1024px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- App Store Feature Image: 1920px wide by 1186px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- App Splash Screen: 2048px wide by 2732px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Guide Images
Guide Branding Images
- Guide Icon: 232px wide, 192px tall, .jpg or .png
- Guide Cover image: 1440px wide, 720px tall, .jpg or .png
Custom Icons
For a more complete and comprehensive look to your guide it is recommended that you upload a suite of at least nine (9) custom icons.
- Custom Icons: 180px wide × 180px tall, .JPG or .PNG
This feature is available on Engage (previously Premium) plans.
Images in a Custom List
- Thumbnail images: 240px wide × 240px tall, .png
- Custom List Item: Header: 640px wide × 240px tall, .png
Header Images in a Schedule Session
The header image for a schedule session will appear at the top of the screen, above the session name, date, times, location, and description/details.
- Schedule Session: Header: 640px wide × 240 px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Map Images
Map image files (.jpg or .png) should be larger than 1000px wide × 1000px tall. We recommend map images to be smaller than 2000px wide × 2000px tall to reduce file size. A smaller guide will take less time for users to download, and it will update faster when attendees use your guide throughout your event.
- Map Images: At least 1000px in both dimensions; maximum 2000px in both dimensions; .JPG or .PNG
Sponsor Banner Ads
Small banners appear at the bottom of the drawer navigation menu on your mobile guide.
- Small Banner Ads: 600px wide × 110px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Large banners appear at the bottom of the navigation menu on your Guidebook Web page
- Large Banner Ads: 640px wide × 640px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Interact Sponsor Cards
- Sponsor Avatar: 180px wide × 180px tall, .jpg or .png
- Card Image: 650px wide × 450px tall, .jpg or .png
This feature is available on Engage (previously Premium) plans.
Link Icons
These are icons that show next to linked items under the Links tab for a custom List item or a Schedule session.
- Link Icons: 114px wide × 114px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Event Marketing Website
- About Us Image: 400px wide by 400px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Content Snippet Image:400px wide by 400px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Please note that if you're using the same image for the Desktop Banner and Mobile Banner, you will want to edit the Mobile Banner image or change its size to the below image size to avoid undesired cropping.
- Desktop Banner:900px wide by 450px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Mobile Banner: 400px wide by 400px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Branded Space
- Space Home Logo: 1024px wide by 1024px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Branded App
- App icon: 1024px wide by 1024px tall, .JPG or .PNG
- Feature image: 1920px wide by 1186px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Splash Screen
To prevent undesired cropping, constrain your text and logos to the center 1150px of the 2048px width. The remainder of the 2048px by 2732px canvas should be filled with your background graphics.
- Splash Screen: 2048px wide by 2732px tall, .JPG or .PNG
Check your Image Size
Incorrect image size is the greatest impediment to successful uploads. We encourage you to upload your image at and confirm its dimensions. You can also check image size on your own computer:
- Mac: Click the image, and hit command + I. In the overlay that pops up, click More Info to see the dimensions
- Windows: Find your image, right-click and show Properties. Go to the Details tab and scroll to the images portion.