Interact is a lively, curated feed for discussions, networking, announcements, sponsored posts, image-sharing, and more.
The cards in Interact are tied to various features in the guide. In order for your users to see specific content in Interact, you will need to enable specific features.
We often recommend setting the Interact feature as the Home page for your guide while your event is underway so it is the first thing they see. This helps users to see your latest updates and encourages them to share their experience. You can set any feature as your guide Home via The Settings Tab.
Users can view the various Interact posts without logging in, however, to join the fun, they will need to log in with a Guidebook account.
User Posts
When a user is logged in with a Guidebook account, they can post a comment to the Interact feed. They can create their own post, or comment on someone else's post. You can like posts and see who has liked yours.
Each post must contain 255 characters or less.
If your guide includes a schedule, you can tag a session by tapping the add session icon at the bottom. This creates a link to that session in the guide.
If your guide includes The Connect Module, you can tag a user by tapping on the add person icon at the bottom left. Only users who have a public profile can be tagged in Interact.
If your guide includes a Photo Album, you can add photo alongside your comment by tapping on the camera icon at the bottom right.
In the Settings tab, you can disable user posts so your users can not log in and make comments. The option is automatically enabled for users to make comments, like one another's posts, and engage in dialogue.
You can moderate the user-generated posts on the Interact feed in Builder via the admin tools. Visit the Moderation tab of Audience Management to review and moderate your users and content.
On the left side, choose to view either users or content.
You can sort users by number of reports received, reports submitted, blocks, connection requests, content deleted, and if they are banned.
On the Moderate Content tab, you can monitor posts and comments. These can be sorted by date, likes, reports, and status.
A search bar is also available to quickly find a specific user.
Notifications you send (push or inbox notifications) will also appear in the Interact feed. Be sure to have the Inbox feature enabled in your guide in order to send notifications. Notifications will show your guide icon next to the text. Notifications can be commented on and liked by users.
You can send notifications or pre-schedule them to be sent at a later time in Builder and using Mobile Admin.
Schedule Sessions
Certain sessions will appear in the Interact feed based on popularity, whether the session is happening soon, or if there is limited space in the session. Users can tap on these sessions to view more information, or even add it to their personal schedule.
Be sure to have the My Schedule feature enabled in your guide to so popular upcoming sessions will appear in Interact.
If you add a Photo Album to your guide and allow user uploads, users can add pictures to the Interact feed. Popular photos that have been added to your guide's photo album will also appear in Interact. Tapping on View All Photos takes the user to the album.
To moderate the photos posted to your Interact feed, navigate to the Photo Album or visit Audience Management in your guide via Builder.
Sponsored Posts
In Builder, you can create posts that will show on the Interact feed at set dates and times. Select the Interact menu item and navigate to the Sponsors tab.
This feature is available on Engage (previously Premium) plans.
In the Sponsors tab, you can add new Sponsor Cards and edit/delete existing Sponsor Cards.
Each Sponsor Card will require the sponsor name and avatar (small logo), as well as description text. The sponsor name can be no longer than 255 characters (including spaces), and the description text can be no longer than 255 characters (including spaces).
You can choose to add a larger, card image and a URL to the sponsor's website if you'd like.
Image Dimensions:
- Sponsor Avatar: 180px wide, 180px tall .jpg or .png
- Card Image: 650px, 450px tall .jpg or .png
You can schedule the Sponsor Card to appear at a certain time. For example, you might want a specific Sponsor Card to appear right before a specific schedule session or when users first arrive on-site for your event. To set this adjust the Publish time and save.