One-tap menu items are useful because they allow you to create a shortcut to information in your guide. Usually, you tap on a custom list that shows a list of information, like sponsors, restaurants, or frequently asked questions. Then, you tap once more to see a page of detailed information about a specific list item.
If you'd like make specific information more quickly accessible from your main menu, you can use a one-tap menu item. Taking the steps outlined below, your users can access the list item information with one-tap.
How to Create a One-Tap Menu Item
- Add a custom list to your guide.
- Open the custom list and add an item with the information you wish to share, click Save.
- Click on the gear icon to the right of a list item.
- Then click Pin to Menu.
- Navigate to the Settings tab and toggle the Available in the app button, click Save.
You can change the icon and the name of your one-tap menu item, as well as unpin it from home from the Settings tab.
Do not delete the custom list that hosts your pinned item(s) or the pinned item will also be deleted.
Any changes you make to the content from the item pinned to the menu or from inside the list will reflect in both places. It's the same item, people can just access it from two places.
If you want to add a one-tap menu item with pdf and url links, create a one-tap menu item and link the resources.
How to Pin a List Item to the Menu
- Open the custom list that contains the item you'd like to pin.
- Click on the gear icon to the right of a list item.
- Then click Pin to Menu.
For some one-tap menu items, like a specific sponsor you are highlighting, you will leave the full sponsors list available. For other examples, like hotel information, emergency information, or a welcome letter, you'll want to hide or disable the custom list that hosts your pinned item(s).
Example Uses
Sponsor Highlight
You may want to give a special sponsor some additional recognition. Showcase a sponsor by pinning their listing to the main menu. In this example, you will want to keep the main Sponsor list visible to your users.
Welcome Message
If you use the Interact module as your home screen, you might want to include a welcome message in a one-tap menu item.
If you still use the General Info module, General Info could house instructions, WiFi access details, etc. The Welcome Message might be a letter from your institution's leadership, for example. In this example, you will want to create a Custom List and then disable it so only the pinned list item is visible.
General Info without a Map
If you'd like to create a similar page to General Info, but do not want to include a map, you can use the one-tap menu item feature. Include a header image on the custom list item, and be sure to fill out the description field with event details!
You can make the one-tap menu item your home page from the Settings tab of the one-tap menu item. In this case, you'll want to disable the main custom list, so that only the pinned list item is visible. You'll also disable your General Info feature.
Resource Page
Use a one-tap menu item to provide various links, documents, or other materials to your users. In this example, you will want to create a custom list and then disable it so only the pinned list item is visible.
Important Policies
Use this feature to house your Code of Conduct, Privacy Policy, or any other important terms and conditions your users need to know. If you have numerous policies to include, you may want to use a custom list named Policies and Regulations, but if the information can be viewed on one page without too much scrolling, the one-tap menu item is for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I pin other parts of my guide to the menu?
You can pin schedule sessions from the main schedule following the same steps above. We do not suggest pinning schedule sessions for more than one or two key sessions. You can also pin schedule tracks to help make the schedule easier to navigate for your users.
Now my content is in two places which isn't necessary; what should I do?
In some instances, you will create a Custom List purely to house your various one-tap menu item shortcuts. You may not want this Custom List visible to your users, so fortunately, you can hide it.
Click on the Custom List and go to the Settings tab. Then click the Available in app button to hide it from view.
The one-tap menu items will still work normally, so users can quickly access a page of content from the main menu. However, the source list holding all of your shortcuts will not be visible.
Do not delete the Custom List that holds your one-tap menu item. Both the source list and the pinned items will be removed.
This is a great feature! How much do you recommend using it?
Be sure not to overuse the one-tap menu item pinning feature. Most of your content should live inside a custom list and/or a folder. You will not want too many miscellaneous, disorganized menu items cluttering up your guide, as users will have a hard time finding the information they need.