You can use metrics to measure guide downloads and various usage data. Used properly, the metrics dashboard can help you answer questions like: do people use my guide, and do they keep coming back? How can I improve my guide layout for the future? Should I adjust my promotion strategy?
In this article, we’ll take a look at the different guide actions that are recorded.
For a more in-depth look at how you can interpret your guide metrics, read Part 2: Interpreting Guide Metrics.
Viewing Your Metrics
Guide metrics can be viewed and exported from the metrics section of the guide dashboard. The Metrics card may be in the middle of your screen, as displayed below, or it may be on the left side if your event is over.
On the guide dashboard, you’ll also see a prominently displayed number in the Audience management section. This number correlates to the number of logged-in users who have accessed your guide at least once.
After we crunch some numbers, you’ll see your metrics dashboard. The metrics dashboard is broken down into three sections: Trends, Insights, and Engagement. Within each category you’ll see a number of different data points, generally with a top level number highlighting a quick takeaway.
By default, the metrics will be based on a two-week time period. Make sure to adjust the date range in the top-right corner of the page to include the entire time period for which you’re trying to collect data.
Guide Trends
Unless otherwise specified, these metrics do not include usage from Guidebook web.
Guide Downloads
This section will tell you how many times your guide has been downloaded onto a device. Guide previews will count towards this number. Make sure to adjust your date range for an accurate measure.
Guide Sessions
A guide session occurs each time a user opens up the guide on their mobile device. Here you'll see the total number of times this has occurred.
Typical Session Duration
Measured in seconds, this is the the average length of time a user spends in your guide in a single session.
Total Time Spent in Guide
Here you’ll see the total amount of time spent in your guide, measured to the nearest tenth of a day.
Schedule Session Views
This lists the total number of views for all schedule sessions in your guide. Note that this refers to specific sessions, rather than a user viewing the whole schedule.
List Item Views
Here you’ll see the aggregate number of times all users have tapped on list items within your guide. All custom lists are used for this metric. As above, this refers to a user tapping on a custom list item to see the list item details.
Guide Insights
Unique Guide Downloads
How many times your guide has been downloaded onto unique devices.
Guide Downloads by OS
This is a simple breakdown of downloads by platform: iOS or Android.
Due to a switch in the way that Guidebook collects metrics info, you may see iPhone OS listed along with iOS/Android downloads. Downloads listed as iPhone OS should be considered iOS downloads. This is not an indication that an iPhone, rather than an iPad, performed the guide download.
Guide Downloads by Acquisition Method
This reports the guide discovery method, or rather, how did people find and download your guide?
- Browse: Your guide was downloaded after tapping the View all > button in the app.
- Bundled: If you have a single-guide Branded app, your guide is bundled with the app download. You’ll likely see the majority of your downloads here.
- Code: A passphrase was used to discover your guide.
- Link: This means that your user was directed to your guide through a special Guidebook URL. Most commonly, this occurs when a person visits your landing page, and they had already downloaded the multi-guide app which contains your guide. There, they’ll see a special Already have the app? Open the guide now link that takes them right to the guide.
- One_step: If your guide lives in a multi-guide app, you can link to your Guidebook Web page (found in the Promote section and on your guide dashboard). From your Guidebook Web page, your users will be able to download and install the app. After the app is launched, they’ll automatically be prompted to download your guide and their download will be recorded in this category.
- Recommended: If access to device location services has been allowed by the user, there will be a special category on the home screen that shows guides that have a nearby guide location.
- Restore: When a person restores their iOS device from a backup, it will reinstall all apps and app data that were previously on the device. When the Guidebook app (or your own Branded app) is launched after performing a device restore, users will be asked if they would like to re-download their previously saved guides. If they tap yes, those downloads will be categorized as restore.
- Root: Your guide was downloaded from the home page of the app.
- Search: Your guide was found using the search box on the Find Guides tab of a multi-guide app.
- Scan: A QR code was scanned to discover your guide.
- Undefined: Generally, this means that a download was started, but not completed. This could be a result of a user cancelling the download or a poor network connection.
Unique Guide Users
The top-level number for this section will tell you the greatest number of unique users that used your guide in a single time period. Clicking on this section to reveal more details will show you the number of unique users over time. The time period used will depend on the date range selected in the upper right corner — it may be as small as a day, or as large as a month if your date range spans many years.
Top List Items Accessed by QR Code
The shows the top custom list items accessed by scanning a QR page.
Top Menu Items Launched
Here you’ll see which menu modules were launched most frequently. Any item pinned to the menu, such as a list item or schedule track, may display in this section.
Top Viewed Schedule Sessions
This section will show you the most frequently viewed sessions in your schedule.
Top Viewed Custom List Items
This section will show you which list items were most frequently viewed, across all of the custom lists present in your guide.
Top Scheduled Events
This section displays a bar graph, showing which schedule sessions were most frequently added to the My Schedule module. A session set-up such that a user cannot add the session to their My Schedule will not display here.
Top Items Added to To-Do List
You will only see data in this section if your guide contains a To-Do module. Here you’ll see which custom list items were most frequently added to the To-Do module by users.
Tour Adoption
The top-level number for this section is the total number of users who have started your most popular tour. When you click into the metric to see more details, you’ll see line graphs of each of your tours (if you have more than one), that tell you the number of users of each tour on any given day or month depending on the date range you’re viewing. Tour users include people who were onsite for the tour, or started the tour remotely.
Tour Concluding Action Taps
This metric breaks down how many times, within the date range you are viewing data, each concluding action in your tour(s) has been tapped.
Guide Engagement
Leaderboard Points Scored
Total points earned by users over time.
Most Active Session Discussions
Sessions that have the most posts in the Discussion tab.
Guidebook ID Exports
The number of times users added Guidebook ID to their device Wallet.
Successful Connections
Total successful connections made by users in your guide.
Chat Messages Sent
Total messages sent using the one-to-one messaging feature.
Sponsor Impressions
The number of times banner ads were displayed to users.
Sponsor Taps
The number of times banner ads were tapped by users.
Most Contacted Custom List items
Shows the most popular Custom List contact button by number of times clicked.
Appointments Scheduled
Total amount of appointments scheduled by number of times clicked.
Interact Feed Views
Total views of the Interact feed.
Unique Interact Feed Views (max)
The greatest number of unique Interact views in a single time period. Clicking on this section to reveal more details will show you the number of views over time. The time period used will depend on the date range selected in the upper right corner—it may be as small as a day, or as large as a month if your date range spans many years.
Interact Feed Posts
Total posts to the Interact feed.
Interact Feed Comments
Total number of comments to Interact posts.
Interact Feed Card Likes
Total likes to Interact posts.
Most Common Card Interactions
This reports the most common interactions within the Interact feed:
- Attendees View: Tap the View All Attendees button to access the Connect feature.
- User Profile View: Tap into a users profile to see more information, chat, or connect.
- Check in: A user taps the check in button to be added to the Connect feature.
- Session/Sponsor/Photo/etc Detail View: Tap the button to access the Session details, Sponsor details, Photo detail, etc. Tapping into an item to see more information.
- Photo Upload: Tapping on the Add photos card.
Guidebook Web
Guide Download Requests Trend
This section will tell you how many times a user has tapped on the button to download your guide from Guidebook Web.
Sessions Added to My Schedule
This shows which schedule sessions were most frequently added to the My Schedule module via Guidebook Web.
Video Views
Total views of Videos linked to sessions on Guidebook Web.
Exporting Your Metrics
While you’re able to export guide data (such as the schedule) from the more options menu located on the guide dashboard, you can only export metrics data from the metrics dashboard. Before exporting your metrics, make sure to adjust the date range so your export includes the data you need.
You can select from two different formats when exporting data: a pre-generated graph saved in PNG, JPG, or PDF format, or a spreadsheet with the raw numbers saved in CSV or XLSX format.
To export a spreadsheet containing raw metrics data, click on the Export Data option in the dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the page.
Next, select the metrics you’re interested in. A CSV file will be emailed to you, containing all data for the selected category.
It is not be possible to export all metrics in a single document. You'll receive a separate spreadsheet for each metric selected to your email.
If you’d like to download a pre-generated graph, rather than creating your own, scroll to the metric you'd like to export, and click the Download button, located in the upper right corner. You may also download a CSV or XLSX spreadsheet from the same location by selecting Export data.