This is part IV of our series on Guidebook metrics. For more information, read about guide metrics in Part I and Organization metrics in Part III. For insight on how to interpret your metrics, check out Metrics Part II: Interpreting Guide Metrics.
Where can I view my App Metrics?
You’ll be able to view and export your App metrics from the Metrics card of your Branded Dashboard. By default, the metrics will be based on a two week time period. Feel free to adjust the date range in the top right corner of the page to include the entire time period for which your guide has been available to users.
The app metrics page has only a single section: App Insights.
App Insights (Definitions)
Guide Downloads by Manufacturer
Here you'll be able to see which manufacturer the device reported to us.
Top Guides by Downloads
For your most-downloaded guides, this section will show you a breakdown of downloads per guide over time.
Signed-In Guide Sessions
This will display the total number of guide sessions that took place with a logged-in user. The graph will show the number of logged-in sessions over time.
User Account Signups
How many users created a new Guidebook account from within your app? This section can answer that question.
User Account Logins
Here you'll see how many users have logged in to their Guidebook account within your app.
Guide Downloads
This section will tell you how many times all of your guides combined have been downloaded onto a device. Guide previews will count towards this number. Make sure to adjust your date range for an accurate measure.
Guide Downloads by OS
This is a simple breakdown of downloads by platform: iOS or Android. Due to a switch in the way that Guidebook collects metrics info, you may see iPhone OS listed along with iOS/Android downloads. Downloads listed as iPhone OS should be considered iOS downloads. Additionally, this is not an indication that an iPhone, rather than an iPad, performed the guide download.
Guide Sessions
A guide session occurs each time a user opens up the guide on their mobile device. Here you'll see the total number of times this has occurred across all of the guides in your app.
Unique Guide Users (max)
The top-level number for this section will tell you the greatest number of unique users used your app in a single day. Clicking on this section to reveal more details will show you the number of unique users over time.
Guide sessions per-user
This represents the total number of times a single user accessed your guide in a given time bucket. Depending on the size of date range you selected, the time bucket will either be one day or one month.
Typical session duration
Measured in seconds, this is the average length of time a user spends in your guide in a single session.
Exporting Metrics
You can export app metrics from within the Metrics section of your app dashboard. Make sure to adjust the date range so your export includes the data you need. There are two forms to choose from when exporting your data:
- A pre-generated graph: Saved in PNG, JPG, or PDF format.
- A spreadsheet with the raw numbers: Saved in CSV or XLSX format.
To export a spreadsheet containing raw metrics data, click on the Export Data option in the dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the page. Next, select the metrics you're interested in. A CSV file will be emailed to you, containing all data for the selected category.
It will not be possible to export all metrics in a single document. We'll send you a separate spreadsheet for each metric selected.
If you'd like to download a pre-generated graph, rather than creating your own, you'll be able to do that by clicking on the Download button, located in the upper right corner of each metric section. You may also download a CSV or XLSX spreadsheet from the same location.