The To-Do List feature allows your users to create their own personal to-do lists, allowing them to personalize their experience and for you to gain insight into which content is engaging. Any content in a custom list in your guide can be added to the To-Do List feature. Users can also add their own various to-do items that will only be visible to them.
Content in the To-Do List feature is user generated. You can create custom lists and encourage your users to populate their To-Do from that suggested list of action items.
In any custom list item in your guide, the plus sign symbols will appear next to the item. Users can tap on the plus sign (+) to add a list item to their To-Do List.
If they tap on a custom list item name to learn more about it, they will have the option to Add to To-Do List at the bottom of the screen.
When adding an item to their personal to-do list, the user will be given the option to add their own subject line. When viewing their To-Do list, items will show the subject line first with the name of the custom list item below it. If the user taps on the item, they will be brought to the custom list item in the guide to read more.
Users can tap on the circle to the left of the item to mark it as complete. Tapping on Clear Completed will remove all of the completed items from their list.
Tapping on Edit will allow users to re-order items in their to-do list by dragging and dropping it to a different location within the list. This will also allow them to change the subject line by tapping on the pencil icon to the left of any item. Tap on Save changes to make the alterations and Done editing to exit editing mode.
Users can also create their own to-do items by tapping on To-do list feature in the app and tapping on the plus sign (+) near the top-right corner.
Users can save their To-Do List data and view it across multiple devices by logging into the app with a Guidebook account. This data will be stored to their profile and be visible on another device if they log in to their account on any other device, download your guide, and they’ll find their To-Do List information already loaded into your guide.