Working with multiple collaborators is a great way to build guides and apps quickly. However, we know it can sometimes take work to keep track of who is doing what and when. Activity history allows you to track these changes.
You can view the activity history for all of your guides or one specific guide; they each have their own feed.
Activity History for All Guides You Access
If you are a guide admin or a guide editor on any guide, the activity on all those guides will appear in your overall activity history.
To access this view, click on the activity symbol in the top-right corner of the Builder screen. (The activity symbol looks like a circle with a zig-zag line in the middle.)
Activity history also makes it easy to jump to recent changes. When you click on an edited or added item, you will be brought directly to the page where that change occurred.
Activity History for One Guide
To view the activity history for one guide, navigate to the guide dashboard. Activity history appears on the right side of the guide dashboard.
You may need to expand the view by clicking on Show Activity History.
Activity history also makes it easy to jump to recent changes. When you click directly on an edited or added item, you will be brought straight to the page where that change took place.
Can I revert any changes from the feed?
Unfortunately, you are unable to restore changes made to apps or guides. Activity history only displays a log of changes.
Can I turn off the Activity History?
No, activity history cannot be turned off. You may condense each individual post, but the activity history window will always be visible on the pages noted above.
How far back does the activity feed go?
The activity feed goes back to the app or guide’s creation date. If an app or guide was created before the release of the activity history (May 11, 2016), the activity feed will only date back to May 11, 2016.